8, 2002 Issue of Code Journal
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Code Journal is a free, biweekly newsletter on programming
and computer science provided jointly by Cprogramming.com
and AI Horizon. There is also an archive
of all past issues in both HTML
and text formats.
This is the January 8th Issue, the first of them all! (If you want
a pure text version, go to the text
archive of Code Journal.)
Your Guide to Programming
January 8, 2002
In This Edition:
- Welcome to the Code Journal
- XOR Encryption
- Hashed Browns and Smiths (On a Table, Of Course)
- Questions and Answers
- Programming Challenge
Welcome to the Code Journal, a joint
venture between Cprogramming.com
and AI Horizon that aims to
provide insightful articles on both C++ and algorithmic programming.
Code Journal is helpware: in return for reading it, you are asked
to help someone else out with their own programming problems. Good
luck, and quick compiling.
C/C++ Programming by Alex Allain
XOR Encryption
This is my first article for Code Journal, so I should introduce myself.
I am the webmaster and content editor for Cprogramming.com;
I've been writing tutorials and book reviews for Cprogramming.com
for over four years.
Exclusive-OR Encryption, while not a
public-key system such as RSA, is almost unbreakable through brute
force methods. It is susceptible to patterns, but this weakness can
be avoided through first compressing the file (so as to remove patterns).
Exclusive-OR Encrytion requires that both encryptor and decryptor
have access to the encryption key, but the encryption algorithm, while
extremely simple, is nearly unbreakable.
Exclusive-OR Encrytion works by using the boolean algebra function Exclusive-OR (XOR). XOR is a binary operator
(meaning that it takes two arguments - similar to the addition sign,
for example). By its name, Exclusive-OR, it is easy to infer (correctly,
no less) that it will return true if one, and only one, of the two
operators is true. The truth table is as follows:
T T | F
T F | T
F T | T
F F | F
(A truth table works like a multiplication
or addition table: the top row is one list of possible inputs, the
side column is one list of possible inputs. The intersection of the
rows and columns contains the result of the operation when done performed
with the inputs from each row and column.)
The idea behind Exclusive-OR Encryption is that it is impossible to
reverse the operation without knowing the initial value of one of
the two arguments. For example, if you XOR two variables of unknown
values, you cannot tell from the output what the values of those variables
are. For example, if you take the operation A XOR B, and it returns
TRUE, you cannot know whether A is FALSE and B is TRUE, or whether
B is FALSE and A is TRUE. Furthermore, even if it returns FALSE, you
cannot be certain if both were TRUE or if both were FALSE.
If, however, you know either A or B it is entirely reversible, unlike
Logical-AND and Logical-OR. For Exclusive-OR, if you perform the operation
A XOR TRUE and it returns a value of TRUE you know A is FALSE, and
if it returns FALSE, you know A is true. Exclusive-OR Encryption works
on the principle that if you have the encrypted string and the encryption
key you can always decrypt correctly. If you don't have the key, it
is impossible to decrypt it without making entirely random keys and
attempting each one of them until the decryption program's output
is something akin to readable text. The longer you make the encryption
key, the more difficult it becomes to break it.
The actual way Exclusive-OR Encryption is used is to take the key
and encrypt a file by repeatedly applying the key to successive segments
of the file and storing the output. The output will be the equivalent
of an entirely random program, as the key is generated randomly. Once
a second person has access to the key, that person is able to decrypt
the files, but without it, decryption is almost impossible. For every
bit added to the length of the key, you double the number of tries
it will take to break the encryption through brute force.
C++ does not have a built-in Exclusive-OR function, however. It is
necessary to write your own. Fortunately, it is not difficult. XOR
is the equivalent of (A OR B) AND NOT(A AND B)
(Try using the truth table's values to test this expression), so a
function that will quickly act as an Exclusive-OR need only test that
For example:
int XOR(int a, int b)
return (A || B) && !(A && B);
Writing a program to encrypt a file using this scheme is relatively
simple, and it is the programming challenge for you over the next
two weeks. The winners will be selected based on efficiency, elegance,
and rapidity of response. For the specific requirements take a look
at the programming contest section of this email.
Algorithms and Programming by Eric Suh
Hashed Browns and Smiths (On a Table, Of Course)
Keyed Arrays vs. Indexed Arrays
One of the biggest drawbacks to a language like C++ is that there
are no KEYED-ARRAYS. In a normal C++
array (also called an INDEXED ARRAY),
the only way to access an element would be through its index number.
To find element 50 of an array named "employees" you have to access
it like this:
In a keyed-array, however, you would be able to associate each element
with a "key," which can be anything from a name to a product model
number. So, if you have a keyed-array of employee records, you could
access the record of employee "John Brown" like this:
employees["Brown, John"];
One basic form of a keyed-array is called the HASH
TABLE. In a hash table, a key is used to find an element instead
of an index number. Since the hash table has to be coded using an
indexed array, there has to be some way of transforming a key to an
index number. That way is called the HASHING
Hashing Functions
A hashing function can be just about anything. How the hashing function
is actually coded depends on the situation, but generally the hashing
function should return a value based on a key and the size of the
array the hashing table is built on. Also, one important thing that
is sometimes overlooked is that a hashing function has to return the
same value every time it is given the same key!!! (This is really
Let's say you wanted to organize a list of about 200 addresses by
people's last names. A hash table would be ideal for this sort of
thing, so that you can access the records with the people's last names
as the keys.
First, we have to determine the size of the array we're using. Let's
use a 260 element array so that there can be an average of about 10
element spaces per letter of the alphabet.
Now, we have to make a hashing function. First, let's create a relationship
between letters and numbers:
A --> 0
B --> 1
C --> 2
D --> 3
and so on until Z --> 25.
The easiest way to organize the hash table would be based on the first
letter of the last name.
Since we have 260 elements, we can multiply the first letter of the
last name by 10. So, when a key like "Smith" is given, the key would
be transformed to the index 180 (S is the 19 letter of the alphabet,
so S --> 18, and 18 * 10 = 180).
Since we use a simple function to generate an index number quickly,
and we use the fact that the index number can be used to access an
element directly, a hash table's access time is quite small. A linked
list of keys and elements wouldn't be nearly as fast, since you would
have to search through every single key-element pair.
Collisions and Collision Handling
Problems, of course, arise when we have last names with the same first
letter. So "Webster" and "Whitney" would correspond to the same index
number, 22. A situation like this when two keys get sent to the same
location in the array is called a COLLISION.
If you're trying to insert an element, you might find that the space
is already filled by a different one.
Of course, you might try to just make a huge array and thus make it
almost impossible for collisions to happen, but then that defeats
the purpose of using a hash table. One of the advantages of the hash
table is that it is both fast AND small.
There are many algorithms to handle collisions, but I will cover only
the simplest.
The simplest algorithm is called the LINEAR
handling method. When you are adding an element, say "Whitney," and
you find that another element is already there ("Webster," for instance)
then you would just proceed to the next element space (the one after
"Webster"). If that is filled, you go on to the next one, and so on,
until you find an empty space to insert the new element (all those
extra elements came in handy after all!!).
220 "White" | <-- ###
COLLISION ### : Gotta move on to the next.
221 "Webster" | <-- ###
COLLISION ### : Next one.
222 | Ahhh, perfect. Insert Here.
223 |
Since we modified the insertion algorithm, we also have to change
the function that finds the element. You have to have some way of
verifying that you've found the element you want, and not some other
element. The simplest way is to just compare keys. (Does this record
have the last name "Whitney"? Does this one?) If the element you find
is not one of them, just move on to the next element until you reach
the one you want or you find an empty space (which means the element
is not in the table).
Sounds simple, right? Well, it gets more complicated. What if you
have so many collisions that you run off the end of the array?
If you're trying to insert "Zorba" and all the elements are filled
because of the collision handling, then what? Look at the example:
258 "Whitney" | <-- Nope,
not Empty
259 "Zeno" | Nope, not Empty
---------------- <-- Ummm, what
The easiest thing to do is to just wrap around to the beginning again.
If there are still no empty spaces, then we have to issue an error,
since there isn't enough space in the Hash table for all of the elements.
Now you're ready to implement your first hash table! Give it a try.
It isn't too hard, but the end result is quite useful!!
Suh is the webmaster of AI Horizon,
a site devoted to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science programming.
Contact him at [email protected].
Questions and Answers on Programming
In future newsletters, we will answer several programming questions
emailed to Cprogramming.com and AI Horizon.
If you have a question on programming, send it in to either Cprogramming.com
or AI Horizon and your
question may be answered here.
Code Challenge
Every issue, we will issue a programming challenge and ask people
to submit their solutions within two weeks. A few of the best solutions
will be published the next issue, along with a new challenge.
Write an Exclusive-OR encryption program. The program should take
as input a filename that is then encrypted by the program. The program
should ask the user to input an encryption key, which should be used
to encrypt the file. The output of the program should go into a file
with the same filename but a .ENC extension (for simplicity sake).
All programs should run under DOS.
Send your solutions to [email protected]
as source code files, and you may find it published. Please include
either your name or an identifying username so that we may attribute
the solution to you in the next newsletter. If you wish, you may ask
us to withhold your name.
Suggestions and comments on this newsletter should be sent to [email protected]
or [email protected].
Eric Suh, [email protected]
Alexander Allain, [email protected]
To unsubscribe from this journal, send a blank email to [email protected]. |