Computer Science and AI Tutorials and Essays
Here, you will find essays on a variety of subjects ranging from
red-black trees to linked lists. Some of them even include source
code that you can download to explore the concepts presented in
the essay. You can find a complete list of these source code items
at the Source Code Repository.
(Please see this note
about our source code.)
Basic Computer Science:
It is essential to have a good understanding of the basics before
learning something such as Artificial Intelligence. These essays
provide a smooth transition from simply knowing how to use a programming
language to knowing how to program. They make a very good
next step up from the C++ tutorials at
General Artificial Intelligence:
These essays cover the basics of widely used artificial intelligence
topics, such as neural networks and the genetic algorithm. Also
covered here is Artificial Life, an interesting sub-field.
Chess Artificial Intelligence:
Although some people may say that Chess AI is dead, the field is
far from over, and new developments are still arising from research.
Still, it is a very well-covered topic and makes for a wonderful
way to learn how to apply AI concepts in a specific field.
Artificial Intelligence: Those who know of it call go
the new frontier of computer strategy. Most of the traditional methods
used in chess work poorly in go, making it the subject of
exciting new research in vision, human decision-making, pattern
matching, neural networks, and the genetic algorithm.